我們重視客戶的工程技術和質量要求。我們采取多種措施,保護客戶的知識產權。我們的核心技術人員都具備中英雙語能力和各種專業技術培訓。憑借我們專業的技術工程師和質量工程師團隊,保證了我們的質量監控、管理生產,可以按照嚴格的時間表進行。傳晨精密機械質量體系是一套依據 ISO 9001 和 QS 9000 的核心原理衍生出來的嚴格的管理體系。這套質量體系,是傳晨精密機械知識產權的一部分,為生產現場的質量控制和采購供應商的管理控制而設計。我們要求每一個供應商都嚴格的遵守傳晨精密機械的質量體系,確保產品的標準和質量。所有的產品,不管是產自我們自己的生產車間,或者是從我們認證過的供應商生產的,都會在傳晨精密機械的質量中心做各種檢測和發貨前的檢查。我們擁有多種先進的質量檢測設備,例如三坐標檢測儀、二次元、光譜儀、萬能拉力檢測機、硬度測試儀、表面粗糙度測試儀、沖擊測試儀,以及各種自行研發的檢測裝備,滿足各種產品的檢測需要。
We are an innovative company, proud of our history and of the quality products and creative solutions that are the hallmarks of chuanchen Solutions China. We pay great attention to customer engineering and quality requirements. We take steps to secure any intellectual property of our customers. Our key staffs are bilingual in English and Chinese and mostly trained in various engineering disciplines. With our team of professionals in engineering and quality assurance, we monitor and maintain quality, manage production, and ensure that agreed schedules are met.
chuanchen Solutions China is an ISO 9001 certified company. We conduct all supplier quality audits, product testing as well as pre-shipment inspections at our own facility in China. We are experienced in a broad range of testing equipment and instruments such as 3D Coordinate Measurement Machines (CMM), Spectrometer, Multiple Pull Testing Machine, Hardness Tester, Surface Roughness Tester, Impact Tester, as well as many fixture gauges we designed ourselves to accommodate the broad range of products that we provide. chuanchen Solutions is a one-stop China outsourcing service provider for our customers worldwide.
